Thursday 19 April 2012

Like seeing Elvis in Sainsbury's

The New York Times has an interesting article up here in which they are seeking help from members of the public to identify unknown members of the crowd at the 1960 Democratic National Convention in pictures taken by Garry Winogrand and supposedly never before seen. The images have little cut-out versions next to them where all previously unknown figures have been sillhouted and numbered for easy identification. At the bottom of the article people can attribute numbers to face such as one readers insane notion that a young woman in the image is actress Sean Young (Young was in her early twenties when she made Bladerunner in 1980?!). A couple of interesting finds that relate this article to photographic history however are from a couple of people claiming that two press photographers in image are none other than Cornell Capa and Lee Friedlander. I'm no expert on either of these giants of photography but since both were jobbing photographers at the time and Capa set up the International Center of Photography and was a member of MAGNUM (of which brother Robert was a founding member with Cartier-Bresson), I'd say there is a pretty good chance its them.

Take a look for yourself over at the original article and let me know what you think!

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